Thing is, this is more than just a resin reproduction statue that will gather dust with your Duke Nukem bust and Injustice: Gods Among Us display piece.

That’s because Homeworld Remastered will ship with a starship that clocks in at a height of 12 inches, or roughly the same size as that “neck massager’” in your mom’s cupboard according to GameSpot. Over at PAX East, Gearbox hosted a panel where they shared more details on the game, as well as the collector’s edition which only number a few thousand. And it’s going to be sporting a very limited edition when it launches. But it won’t be alone when a remastered edition of Homeworld arrives. Can you hear it? The siren call of a special edition game, packed with all manner of goodies which haven’t been since 1998 in an oversized box? Space strategy is heating up today, with a new Civilization game taking to the stars.